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Prenuptial best practice
In England and Wales prenuptial agreements operate as a means of protecting the wealth of the economically stronger partner and avoiding or reducing the impact of the divorce court's discretionary jurisdiction in relation to the financial aspects of a divorce which, in the absence of a prenup, often results in a couple sharing all the assets of a marriage.
They are particularly appropriate in situations:
a) where one party has substantial pre-acquired wealth
b) where one or both of the parties wish to ring fence inheritances they received prior to the marriage or expect to receive during the marriage
c) where there are substantial trust assets, especially those derived from gifts or inheritances
d) of second marriages between couples who want to preserve their pre-acquired wealth to benefit children by their former marriage(s)
In order for a prenuptial agreement to have the best chance of being upheld by the court on divorce you should follow accepted best practice to try and ensure that the agreement is fair. Fairness covers both the process of negotiating the agreement and the substance of the agreement and should include consideration of the following (which take account of the recommendations made by The Law Commission in their Final Report, published in February 2014: Matrimonial Property Needs and Agreements).
Legal Advice
It is usual for the economically stronger partner to pay the legal fees of the economically weaker partner.
Relocating children?
Visit if you are divorced, divorcing or separated and your situation involves your children relocating to a different country.
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Relocating children?
Visit if you are divorced, divorcing or separated and your situation involves your children relocating to a different country.
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Relocating children?
Visit if you are divorced, divorcing or separated and your situation involves your children relocating to a different country.
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Enter your details below and get a quick call back with FREE LEGAL ADVICE on Prenuptial Agreements from one of our experienced family lawyers.